
How to check blackberry pin suspend

Here are a few tips to check Suspend Blackberry Pin :

1. Check Pin in 3 different places should show the same results, should not be different.
Pin and IMEI checks on Option -> status, can also Alt + Shift + H
Pin and IMEI checks on the battery, open the battery and you will see Pin and IMEI.
Pin and IMEI checks in Box.
Make sure that the three checks, showed the same Pin and IMEI.

2. Go to the website of one service you are using.
Then create a new account "Create New Account", then there is a command to enter your Pin and IMEI. Then "Next" and then the next will be performing the following text:
Your device has not yet been registered with the network  -> When the show made like this, then surely your Blackberry Pin and IMEI are still fresh and has never been used.
The Blackberry is registered with another provider  -> If this post appears your BB can be said in 2 conditions, can also PIN and IMEI you are new only possible use overseas (outside provider) we are, or could also be used outside our provider.
To check conditions, log Option -> status ... Then type BUYR. If you're new voice and data usage is usually written 0. If it is exceeded, that is used / refurbished.
If the stated 2.5 Mb, it may be opened, but to unlock. So look for that are still 0.
In these circumstances you should exchange it, so as not to suspend.
Your Account is Suspended -> In this condition means that your BB Internet repairs will die, because it could happen elsewhere cloned, stolen or your BB (crime). Should not be purchased.
Hopefully useful.