
tutorial : How to download android market app or game from pc

conditions: using google chrome (win).

1. Right click on the desktop shortcut google chrome select properties. (create shortcut on the desktop otherwise).
in the target column, after ..... chrome.exe, add a space then add this line after the last space:
- ignore-certificate-errors - allow-running-insecure-content

for example, on my laptop will look like this
C: \ Users \ asus \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ Application \ chrome.exe - ignore-certificate-errors - allow-running-insecure-content

click apply / ok.

2. open google chrome from earlier shortcut, open
and download extension.

If it can not be installed, go to chrome :/ / chrome / extensions /, then drag n drop its extension, later installed himself

3. open the dialer on android phone ente, type in * # * # 8255 # * # * (talk)
look for the line "device id: android-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
I xxxx is the device id on your phone (all numbers)

4. in google chrome click settings (top right of his key image) - tools - extensions
apk downloader on select option. then enter your email address, email pass, and device id and then login.

5. select sim operator of the desired region.

6. after all done, just open the pages of the app you want to download from google play. to download. apk it, just click the icon in the address bar android.

i hope that helps