
Battery Power Optimization Tips On Smartphone / Tablet

Smartphones and tablets has been accused of large energy consumption. Certainly not mistaken assumption, increasingly diverse features that runs on a gadget will certainly affect the energy consumption of the battery, especially when associated with elements that run multimedia and internet.In anticipation of the big problems of energy consumption, vendors were designing smartphones and tablets with larger mAh capacity. But with hundreds of thousands of applications that offer attractive, supported by large memory capacity, of course is always a desire to download applications, especially applications that are free. And slowly they are able to directly affect the performance of the processor and battery energy. Well, here we express the optimization that you can do on a smartphone / tablet. These tips are common to all types of OS (operating system).
1. Charging
Try the time 'charge the battery' really in a weakened condition, and while doing 'charging' try until the battery completely new full pull. This is the most basic and applies to all types of gadgets. It may be trivial, but it can extend battery life.
2. Toggle Switch
Although these applications usually default Android phone, but sometimes there is a do not. It is important to download this application to control (on / off) packet data, WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth, tathering very easily, because this application has a special widget that can be placed on the desktop.

3. Brightness and Contrast
Adjust your screen brightness as necessary, do not be so bright as long as you can still see it, even as low as possible is recommended for battery life is much longer.
4. Stability Network Operators
If your ward is only 'available' 2G network, should be enough to set '2 G Networks Only '. Automatically switches between 2G to 3G will be enough power drain.
5. UninstallRemove applications that are not so important and is not used. Generally, users often forgot to remove applications that are not used anymore, this is only natural because there are hundreds of thousands of free applications are easily downloaded with ease.

6. Screen timeout
Setting your screen timeout normally. Do not be too fast or too long. Normally about 30 seconds - 1 minute.
7. WallpaperMinimize the use of live wallpapers. Use Standrar wallpaper is an image, even better use of wallpaper in the form of 'pattern' with a dark color to reduce the performance of the 'light pixels'. 

8. Turn AnimationDisplay an animated (moving) does look beautiful, but it will make the CPU the extra work that eventually led to wasteful batteries.